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Hidden Parameters


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Setting Hidden Parameters

To set a hidden parameter, you treat it like any other parameter for that specific import or export filter as outlined in the upCast Manual for either the  upCast API or the  BCF language.

To set a hidden parameter in the UI version, you need to edit the upCast configuration file. Do not edit preferences.plist while upCast is running, since it will be rewritten with the then current internal upCast parameter pool on application exit. You need to add a key/value pair at the appropriate structure level like


with the second element's tag name corresponding to the given datatype in the tables below. For more details, see the  configuration file format documentation.

RTF Import Filter

Name IncludeCharStyleInlines
Type boolean
Values true | false
Default false


By default, CSS properties that compose a character style which is active at a certain document position do not get repeated as explicit properties in the element's style attribute. However, if you do not parse character style information from the document's stylesheet, it may be useful to also have the actual properties of the character style in effect repeated explicitly on an element. This can be achieved by setting this parameter to true.

Name InlineResolutionAlgorithm
Type string
Values 'preferBiggestRange' | 'preferSameRange'
Default 'preferBiggestRange'


This parameter determines which algorithm should be used to condense and minimize inlines when using the default InlineProcessorClass setting. Currently, only 'preferBiggestRange' is implemented and that algorithm is always used, regardless of the setting of this parameter.

'preferBiggestRange' sorts active inline character properties at every character position in paragraph content by the number of contigously spanned characters. Those character properties that span the most characters contiguously are sorted into the direction of the document root so they are first entered in a final document's depth first traversal.

XML (upCast DTD)

Name CSSRef
Type string
Values name of CSS file to link to (absolute or relative)
Default (undefined)


When using the XML export filter and you have set the IncludeVisual proprty to true, you must set this property explicitly to a valid value. This is the literal text that will be inserted in the <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> processing instruction:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="value"?>


Name DeleteTemporaryFile
Type boolean
Values true | false
Default true


When this is false, temporary .rtf files generated by WordLink are not deleted automatically after a conversion. This may be useful for debugging. You should leave this at 'true' as otherwise, temporary and probably big files will be left over and fill your storage device(s).

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