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Release Notes
A little bit of history.
Known Issues
- Heading styles that use different list groups (i.e. \ls values) for each list level are not supported gracefully. Same holds true for using different \-ilx-list-group values for headings of the same level in the run of the document.
- Though rudimentary support has been added, downCast does not honor the 'display' property generally and therefore only handles documents conforming to the upCast DTD. We intend to expand this capability in the future to also be able to render arbitrary XML+CSS combinations.
- Property inheritance is not implemented according to the CSS2 specification.
- The 'auto' property value is only supported on <table> elements for positioning it relative to the column.
downCast 1.8.3 (Build 862)
Release Date: 2008-10-08
- Improvements & Changes
- Work around huge character spacing after punctuation chars (emdash, lower double quotes etc.) when using Arial Unicode MS font in some versions of Word
- Bugfixes
- Update MRJAdapter to fix a problem on Mac OS X with newer Java VM numbering strings
downCast 1.8.2 (Build 859)
Release Date: 2008-10-08
- Improvements & Changes
- @font-search-list in stdfonts.config now picked up correctly for user overrides
downCast 1.8.1 (Build 846)
Release Date: 2008-04-05
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to December 14, 2008.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.8.0 (Build 841)
Release Date: 2007-11-15
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to April 9, 2008.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.8.0 (Build 840)
Release Date: 2007-10-05
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated Saxon8-B libraries.
- requires Java 1.4.2 or later
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.7.8 (Build 836)
Release Date: 2007-08-14
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to November 14, 2007.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.7.7 (Build 835)
Release Date: 2007-07-04
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to September 15, 2007.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.7.6 (Build 822)
Release Date: 2007-04-04
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to August 15, 2007.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.7.6 (Build 820)
Release Date: 2007-01-03
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated expiration date of application and bundled evaluation license to April 1, 2007.
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.7.5 (Build 815) Release Date: 2006-09-28
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Updated Windows installers to work also on Windows 2003.
- Bugfixes
add check so that malformed input documents with too deep a list nesting do not cause a runtime error
downCast 1.7.4 (Build 801) Release Date: 2006-05-29
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Do not write a (gray shaded) user hint in image replacement/result destination
- Change license file handling and binary distribution as follows:
1. Every jar contains an evaluation license for each product bundled, named "downcast-eval.license"
resp. "upcast-eval.license". This is a standard evaluation license with random character replacements. It
is reasonably time-bombed, i.e. has an expiration date by which there definitely will be a new release.
2. On startup, the license manager looks for external licenses. If it finds at least one, it does not offer
the internal evaluation license as choice. (It does, however, offer a jar-bundled "upcast.license" or
"downcast.license", if a user packaged it there!).
3. All evaluation licenses show the character replacement warning dialog on startup.
To use these licenses from the API, use:
DowncastEngine.setLicense( "jar:file:!/de/infinityloop/downcast/resources/licenses/downcast-
eval.license" );
UpcastEngine.setLicense( "jar:file:!/de/infinityloop/upcast/resources/licenses/upcast-eval.license" );
- Bugfixes
Xalan was not selectable as XSLT pre-processor
downCast 1.7.3 (Build 768) Release Date: 2006-01-25
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
For correctly writing image data, it must be separated from the preceding control word by a
<Delimiter> according to the RTF spec, which a CR/LF is not (though this is the one currently written).
We now write a single space after the last control word before the image data in hex to remedy this.
- Restarting nested lists with combined numbering scheme doesn't show outer level's numbering, e.g. ".1" instead of "2.1".
- The default 'display' property value for <toc> was "inline", but it should be "block".
downCast 1.7.2 (Build 758) Release Date: 2005-12-22
- New Features
- Add support for ZERO-WIDTH NO-JOINER and ZERO-WIDTH JOINER to output as zwnj and zwj. Also
add rtlmark, ltrmark.
- Improvements & Changes
- Workaround Word bug when writing non-normal indextarget entries. According to RTF documentation,
the previously written code should have been ok, but Word displays the index term in plain text in the
document before the indextarget (even though it is in a hidden \v text run). Reordered symbol writing
to make Word happy.
- For debugging purposes we're logging the size of the file generated by a .doc postprocessing step.
- Setting de.infinityloop.application.log4j.configuration to an absolute path to a log4j.properties file lets
you override the default configuration file embedded in upcast.jar (downcast.jar).
- Bugfixes
- downCast throws a NPE when no default language is specified on root <document> element. Now, the default in this case is "en".
downCast 1.7.1 (Build 727) Release Date: 2005-11-26
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
- annotations, though present in the generated document, were not visible when displaying the document in Word
downCast 1.7.0 GM (Build 725) Release Date: 2005-11-24
- New Features
- Add a method to the API which lets you determine licensing status, product version, WordLink status
etc. programmatically during runtime:
- Added ability to set log file explicitly using
property. You now can set set the log file explicitly using "de.infinityloop.application.logfile" property.
log4j.properties has been changed accordingly, de.infinityloop.application.logdir.log4j is no longer
- Added support for Borders and Shading for parts via implementation as part of @page-rules.
- Add support for -ilx-text-visibility: full | none to set the hidden text property in RTF stylesheets.
- Improvements & Changes
- Do no longer issue misleading warning "no top level list description found for list..." since in most
cases, this is perfectly ok.
- When downCast auto-generates the foot-/endnote numbering placeholders, it now wraps them with
"endnote reference" or "footnote reference" character styles automatically if they are defined in the
CSS stylesheet.
- Remove description of @writesymbolfield since it is not actually supported.
- Nested fields are flattened by upCast on processing. downCast needs to recreate the nested field
structure on rendering those <gentext> elements by parsing the data instruction.
This helps creating e.g. IF constructs in fields.
- Support the vertical-align CSS property also on parts to top/center/bottom-align page content.
- Improve error message when an image file cannot be accessed
- Issue warning when URL of image included by reference is invalid or empty
- <gentext>: If result is empty, do not create artificial result "??"
- Bugfixes
- "page-break-before: always" in paragraph class definitions was not correctly translated into the
\pagebb symbol for RTF's paragraph style defintion.
XSLFOWhiteSpaceHandler sometimes munged a space when the element had not explicitly set "display:
inline". We now assume for any element that does not specify otherwise that its display type is "inline".
- The 'display' property is not set correctly or at all for certain elements in the upCast DTD, making them
of type 'inline' by default.
- The RTF symbol \fetN is not written by downCast by default. This leads to Word not recognizing
endnotes in the document.
- downCast throws a NPE when specifying both -ilx-list-group and -ilx-list-numbering-absolute on a
Evaluation version warning dialog in "Import License" shows upCast graphics. It should be the downCast
graphics, of course.
- Using an evaluation license, ignorable whitespace may become non-whitespace due to the character
randomizing restriction. This will happen only if the document has no DOCTYPE declaration, in which
case ignorable whitespace is reported as such and does not undergo scrambling. However, when no
DOCTYPE is present, the parser reports any character data via characters(), where scrambling is applied,
and then yields errors later in the process.
- Log lines show dc* context, not userInstanceID passed on instance creation.
When a user defines a style named e.g. "bold" that clashes with an internally defined style with the same
name, the style is not included in the stylesheet at all.
- Style definitions in the CSS that have no display type set (and that do not clash with internally used style
names like "bold"), nevertheless get their properties (but no leading style number) written to the RTF
stylesheet, rendering the RTF code essentially invalid (though Word usually copes with this quite well).
- IDs of styles in the RTF stylesheet could get assigned identical numbers
- Some http:// URLs were not handled correctly when running downCast on Windows systems
- Setting the logfile explicitly using
did not work when running in GUI mode
- Reduced number of created logging objects
- Roundtripping a document twice with a configuration that reuses a list, but with a different numbering style, could create a corrupt document
- Referenced images' INCLUDEPICTURE arguments were wrongly quoted
- Heading numbering gets '.' in format string replaced by '?'
- Bring unescaping in field instruction parsing in-line with upCast's output
- '-ilx-list-numbering-absolute' on headings did not work as expected
- left-margin on tables not respected when calculating column positions
- \deflang RTF symbol written after stylesheet, which is too late
- Write style properties of corresponding <heading> for its \listtext destination
- 'vertical-align: baseline' does not turn off any super/subscripting specified as absolute length
- 'text-transform: none' does not turn off any capitalization in effect
downCast 1.6.2 (Build 612) Release Date: 2005-07-04
- New Features
- support writing the \linkstyles symbol by writing the -ilx-style-update property on the <document> element
- Improvements & Changes
- Styles names could get mysteriously appended a '.' (dot) after downCast'ing on some (but not all!) versions of Microsoft Word.
- Completely rewritten and re-designed handling of encodings, fonts and Unicode translations
- Bugfixes
- Headings and lists could get a wrong first-line indent when e.g. not numbered
- Table cells not displayed in correct width for spanned cells in Word.
- Added support for height ("exact") and min-height ("at least") on table cells and table rows. upCast has been updated to write the correct CSS properties when exporting tables.
downCast 1.6.1 (Build 590) Release Date: 2005-05-23
- New Features
- added support for tfoot on HTML tables: its content is rendered after any thead/tbody content
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
downCast 1.6.0 GM (Build 581) Release Date: 2005-05-15
- New Features
- HTML table rendering respects 'frame' and 'border' attributes on <table> element as defined in HTML 4.
- Support for 'table-layout' CSS property on table element has been added. This translates to Word's automatic sizing feature for tables.
- Improvements & Changes
- Default log output now also includes thread/object identifier, so when running two instances in different threads that merge their log output, you should be able to tell which thread created which log entry. For this to work as expected you should pass a unique instanceIDUser String to the DowncastEngine creator.
- Use any available <image> in an <object> element for the rendered <ole>'s {\result } destination. If no image is available, use text indicating that updating fields should restore the displayed image.
- Support "page-break-before" property on every element
- Respect local style overrides on heading elements for auto-numbering
- Bugfixes
- NOTEREFs to footnotes and endnotes did not work correctly.
- Warning was issued for inline elements that do not specify a class attribute, like is the case for inlines that only specify a local style using the style attribute.
- In some situations, length values could get a highly negative value. As a consequence, upCast would choke on the input of a downCast-generated RTF file if it was not once read and saved by Word.
- downCast did write pagebreak information in a way that cannot be generated using Word itself and therefore, upCast would not recognize a heading in some situations where a forced page break was immediately preceding it.
- A <pagebreak> element directly before a <table> issues an error during conversion.
- upCast would write a value of "none" when according to the docs it should have been "nothing". We now prefer "none", but recognize "nothing" also. Documentation for downCast has been updated accordingly.
- Tables that were centered using the CSS "left-/right-margin: auto" mechanism sometimes displayed garbled in Word (narrow, tall columns)
- Documentinfo properties of type "date" generated incorrect RTF code
- Text nodes in the source document that started with three underscore characters '___' got discarded from the document.
- Temporary files (like the XSLT preprocessing intermediary files) were not written to a platform-specific temporary directory, but into Application Support.
- Support for endnotes was missing, though upCast would write them.
downCast 1.5.5 (Build 512) Release Date: 2005-02-20
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
- Added workaround for bug in Word for Windows where sometimes, the author name information for revisions to a document would show as "Unknown" when it should be a name. (This was not a problem on Word X for Mac OS X.)
downCast 1.5.4 (Build 505) Release Date: 2005-02-09
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
- Fixes an issue where in some specific cases, a wrong font size was written for the Normal style in the RTF document's stylesheet. This could also lead to an error when processing the result with upCast.
downCast 1.5.4 (Build 503) Release Date: 2005-01-05
- New Features
- Support for inline CSS stylesheets in upCast DTD conforming XML source files.
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
- Respect width and height CSS properties on checkbox element for writing its size.
- The protected and hasListbox attributes on <formxxx> elements were not translated to RTF.
- Specifying "line-height: normal;" is sometimes not rendered in Word as expected.
- The revision table with author information was not written at all into the result document.
- Colors in the format #rgb are not parsed correctly and always deliver #000.
- Revisions marked up using <inserted> and <deleted> do not retain the author information.
downCast 1.5.3 (Build 377) Release Date: 2004-08-19
- New Features
- Support specifying the next applied style after hitting return in Word using custom property "-ilx-following-style: <name-of-style>;".
- Support the new title attribute on link elements to render them as text in the \o option of Word's HYPERLINK field (QuickInfo).
- Support new <see> child element for <indextarget>s which defines the text to be displayed in an index instead of a reference to the indextarget's source. Inline styling is supported.
- Improvements & Changes
- Bugfixes
- Values for left-border settings were not always applied correctly, e.g. inheriting text color instead of using an explicitly specified color etc.
- A link element without a non-empty xlink:href attribute is completely discarded from the output, including its descendants.
- VB-API: Running DCloadXMLWithDialog() would crash the whole application (incl. the caller) when there was an error during conversion.
downCast 1.5.2 (Build 284) Release Date: 2004-07-29
- New Features
- Improvements & Changes
- Show random characters in text content warning also when first loading the license and in the About dialog.
- EULA now only available in English.
- After installing VBA components at first launch, a result information dialog is now displayed.
- Bugfixes
- Native look and feel set too late in startup sequence.
downCast 1.5.1 (Build 187) Release Date: 2004-06-24
- New Features
- Added support for endnotes via the <endnote> element.
- speed increase by up to 100% for medium to large documents
- Support for Macintosh PICTs
- Improvements & Changes
- Warning when pre-processing XSLT file not found
- In RTF, images may not be wrapped in shapes when in a textbox, so now we place them inline in these cases and add appropriate wording into log file.
- Worked around an unexpected RTF table code behaviour for Word X.
- Bugfixes
- Custom Encodings not found/loaded on Windows and Linux platforms
- A paragraph with "page-break-before: always" set created a hard page break. Now, we use \pagebb, which does not introduce an additional page break if the paragraph is already at the top of a page.
- RTF gutter property was not calculated correctly from specified page properties.
- The "any element" selector's '* { ... }' specifity was not calculated correctly so that it overrode a named element's selector.
- [API] Add methods to add catalog files to the system programmatically.
- Installing VBA components did not query for Windows' system resp. DLL directory.
- Crash for <link> elements not specifying an xlink:show attribute.
- The downCast uninstaller application was named "Uninstall upCast" - changed.
- Table widths and table cell widths are not output with correct sizes to RTF when calculated.
- Outdented/indented tables did not have correct cell borders (=widths) set.
downCast 1.5.0 GM (Build 19) Release Date: 2004-3-30
- New Features
- Support "startat" attribute for lists.
- Add support for {\*\docvar } destination. To generate, use a <property> in the document info block with type="docvar".
- Support column information on <part>s using (custom-prefixed) CSS3 draft properties column-xxx.
- Add support for Word's \highlight symbol as follows: <highlight color="#ABCDEF">...</highlight>.
- Support GIF image type for external imported graphics.
- New property for <footnote>:
-ilx-footnote-marker: suppress | auto
Default: auto
When this is suppress, the footnote marker is not automatically generated for footnotes but must be specified explicitly as text in the document.
- Implement the infrastructure for a selectable WhiteSpaceHandler that works on the incoming PCDATA character stream to minimize whitespace. Implement original (no change) behaviour and a variant for upCast-DTD-converted XSLFO original documents.
- Implement a shortcut "%c" in -ilx-list-format string to signify "current list level where this is being specified".
- Add support for writing "DocumentTemplateRef" document property as an explicit document template reference destination. To generate, use a <property> in the document info block with type="templateref".
- Support specifying the underline color.
- Include support for 'letter-spacing' CSS property.
- Improvements & Changes
- <footnote> elements can have an "id" attribute assigned which in turn should be referenced when using a <reference> element with type="notenumber". This will create correct secondary footnote references.
- downCast does now reports an error when the destination .rtf file can not be generated/written to.
- downCast icon on main window looks bad.
- Add more "magic paths" to System Information.
- Add "Tahoma" to the list of default fonts in stdfonts.config, so umlauts show correct on all platforms.
- Bugfixes
- The "embed" attribute in <reference> always overrides -ilx-reference-presentation-type property, though the latter should override the former.
- -ilx-border-inside-vertical and -ilx-border-inside-horizontal shorthand properties were not resolved to its individual singular properties during CSS parsing, having essentially no effect.
- The downCast log file could not be opened using File > View Log File on case-sensitive file systems.
- Sub-ordinate index entries got a space character prepended.
- Help file path for built-in help file was not correctly calculated -> Help did not work.
- Specifying a paragraph style with relative font size kind-of "inherited" that new font size to all following siblings(!).
- 'padding' does not work on cells that have no border.
- For some combinations of table attributes, nested tables would render garbled.
- References within a document did not find corresponding target.
- Generic font family mapping added: serif=Times, sans-serif=Helvetica, monospace=Courier.
- 'vertical-align' must not have any effect on block-level elements except for table-cell.
- 'vertical-align' with <length> values does affect font size of super/subscripted text.
- 'float' property does not work for any value other than "left".
- Possible crasher in downCast fixed. (Occurred e.g. when no value attribute on document info properties was specified on input.)
- Specifying 'auto' on <image> element for either width or height property resulted in illegal width/height (0).
- Errors while parsing CSS do not trigger the "conversion error" dialog and are not reported properly.
- "Unsupported encoding -1" error message logged for all default fonts with "-1" as specified encoding in stdfonts.config.
downCast 1.0.2 (Build 7)
Release Date: 2003-11-24
- Bugfixes
- [XSLT] Applied Patch to internal XSLT processor Xalan.
downCast 1.0.2 GM (Build 6) Release Date: 2003-11-11
- Improvements & Changes
- Instantiate Xerces/Xalan not via JAXP, but directly by its fully qualified class.
- Support <html:colgroup><html:col />...</html:colgroup> in HTML table model import for column widths.
- Add support for text-align values of "start" and "end" (mapping them to "left" and "right", respectively).
- Update documentation for downCast 1.0.2 new features.
- Handling of line-height property improved (we now also support <number>).
- Before post-processing an .rtf file to .doc, try to delete an existing file of the same name. If that does not work (because the file is write-protected, open by another application or a directory), the conversion will also not work and we report an error accordingly immediately.
- New Features
- Add support for new property on <part>s:
-ilx-editing-rights: none | full
- New function to manually install a default catalog environment to validate XML (upCast DTD) files without internet access.
- Bugfixes
- Dates in properties are not written correctly in RTF (one month off).
- <list>s that do not explicitly specify some list group id they should belong to crash downCast.
- <footer type="all"> was falsely rendered as a footer for right (odd) pages.
- When specifying line-height absolutely (i.e., pt, mm, cm, in, tw), it will be written as fixed value into the RTF. If a relative specification is used (%, em, px), the value is interpreted as minimum value.
- Table row height was not written correctly when a first cell spanned either horizontally or vertically.
- Convert 0xA in CDATA to forced linebreak (not: paragraph break).
- \trrh (table row height specification) could get a wrong value
- When reading an HTML table without colspecs defined: crash.
- Cell borders lying inside of tables do not show in Word 97.
- Row height does not automatically grow with contents when displayed in Word97.
- "Buy downCast" points to wrong web address, dialog displays garbled on Mac OS X.
downCast 1.0.1 (Build 3) Release Date: 2003-09-24
- Bugfixes
- Shorthand properties "border-xxx" do not work.
downCast 1.0.1 GM (Build 2) Release Date: 2003-09-16
- Bugfixes
- Fixed several small/cosmetic bugs regarding WordLink and VB component installation
- -ilx-header-offset and -ilx-footer-offset properties were not supported in @page rules
- Improvements
- Support for file://-URLs when specifying source file or folder destination
- improved compatibility with upCast output
- New Features
- C-API, incl. sample code
- VB-API, incl sample code to open XML documents in Word
downCast 1.0.0 (Build 26) Release Date: 2003-08-24
- Bugfixes
- Image scaling fails for some large original images.
- Size of some JPEG images (written e.g. by Photoshop) was not determined correctly, resulting in wrong scaling information to be generated on RTF output.
- style-attribute specification was not honored on CALS tables. Now overrides CALS attribute settings when specified differently.
- Improvements
- New Features
- When setting style information on a <table> object in CALS, make it selectable whether the frame wins or the right/bottom cell borders on the rightmost/bottommost column. By default, we now let the frame win (contrary to default CALS behaviour!). Property to be used with setGlobalParameter(): 'CALSFrameOverridesCells'.
downCast 1.0.0 (Build 23) Release Date: 2003-08-12
- Improvements
- RTF to DOC now always also updates any contained fields in the document with current values.
- style attribute specification was not honored on CALS tables in favour of native CALS attributes. Now, 'style' overrides CALS attribute settings when specified differently.
- New Features
- 'height' supported on table rows
- Bugfixes
- The dynamic validation mode for downCast was not effective since validation errors other than "fatal" ones were not reported to the user.
- The 'border' shorthand property did not work at all.
- Shorthand properties including color values did not work when using named colors.
- Appending text to objects not allowing this did not generate an error, with the resut of possibly missing text content in the result.
- Several elements appended to a <section> element are rejected as illegal structure by downCast, though the DTD allows them. (Example: <image>).
- Horizontal table alignment for CALS tables did not work reliably.
- il-gw.exe was buggy for some Word .doc files.
downCast 1.0.0 (Build 20) Release Date: 2003-07-30
- Improvements
- Limited support for color
- 'width' and 'height' properties are now respected on images (only PNG and JPEG images supported)
- Bugfixes
- When specifying list formatting using .class styles from the stylesheet, lists on subsequent <list> elements using the same class get numbered continuously instead of numbering being restarted at each list.
- The RTF header sometimes contains margin specifications of value -1 (\paperw, \paperh, etc.)
- -ilx-header-offset and -ilx-footer-offset do not have any effect.
- NPE on processing WMF images
downCast 1.0.0 (Build 18) Release Date: 2003-07-20
- New Features
- Added a new parameter ('ConvertToDoc', a boolean with values true or false) for having downCast convert the resulting RTF file to DOC format in a post processing step. This requires WordLink to be installed and active. Choose "Install WordLink" once from the Extras menu.
- Improvements
- Added "Lucida" to stdfonts.config table
- We now use a dialog with a text field for reporting errors during a conversion. Previously, the dialog could get very wide.
- The link to the VB5RUNTIME installer download was broken (possibly presented to the user during Instyll WordLink).
- Bugfixes
- fixed possible crash in downCast when e.g. processing a CALS table and relying on downCast defaults for color values
- No user input was accepted during a progress bar display on Mac OS X, since the UI thread never got processing time.
- In the DTD upcastNS.dtd, the "uc" namespace prefix had a wrong fixed value.
downCast 1.0.0 (Build 14) Release Date: 2003-06-19
- New Features
- Bugfixes
- table borders sometimes would not get converted correctly (odd colors, etc.)
- License files containing umlauts or accented characters did not work
downCast 1.0.0 GM (Build 8) Release Date: 2003-06-01
No changes.
downCast 0.9.8 (Build 33) Release Date: 2003-05-06
- New Features
- "Save configuration" and "Load configuration" has been implemented
- tab stop vector now read from as -ilx-tab-stops property
- Improved online documentation on infinity-loop's website
- Java API implemented for embedding functionality in custom Java applications
- "Check for Updates" command lets you check online for new versions of the software
- Improvements
- When importing a license file using the Registration dialog, the license is copied into the Licenses folder and can be chosen in a dialog on startup (from all the licenses in that folder)
- Bugfixes (from downCast 0.9.6 preview 2.1)
- superfluous \brdrcf keywords will no longer be written into the output
- path to preprocessing sheet was not saved in preferences
- <toc> element did not generate TOC field in RTF result
- Changes
- marker-offset has been renamed to -ilx-marker-offset since its semantics did not match with the ones outlined in CSS2 spec
Release Notes for downCast 0.9.6 (preview 2.1)
- New Features
- <textbox> element support added
- <deleted> and <inserted> elment support added
- Added a "First launch" procedure to automatically set-up WordLink (if not yet available) and the Catalog system (extracting DTDs to local disk and setting up a corresponding catalog file automatically).
- Improvements
- The Preferences file format has been restructured hierarchically in XML and will be documented in the final release. This allows custom export filters to store any preference value in the key-based preferences pool.
- Added 'float' support for images.
- Logging in commandline mode: new system property "de.infinityloop.application.logdir" which gets set in the commandline() function in downCast based on the passed parameters can be used in the log4j.properties configuration file to refer to that location.
- Added support for @import in CSS parser.
- Added support for @media{} specific parsing of stylesheets (also in @import-ed stylesheets). downCast is sensitive to @media print.
- Default property values are now based on a plain-text, editable, however Jar-bundled stylesheet (not only internal parameter settings).
- Support for shorthand properties added.
- Images are not held in memory over the complete document processing time, but only at rendering time. and get purged from memory immediately after. This leads to significantly reduced memory footprint.
- Due to a bug in Word (discarding text!), downCast does not write \enspace control word (and related ones, like \emspace etc.) Unicode is written instead.
- Bugfixes (from downCast 0.9.1 preview 2)
- CSS parser updated according to CSS2 errata document, now allowing property names starting with underscores.
- Tables within list items had wrong left offset.
- URL decoding was buggy.
- downCast could only be started when there was an active connection to the internet (oops...).
- papersize and margins were all "-1" in the generated RTF, even when specified in XML resp. stylesheet
- Changes
- Custom property prefix changed (again...) from "ilx-" to "-ilx-", which when quoted for CSS2 parser compatibility must be written "\-ilx-".
- We do no longer write a startup.log file, but use log4j all over the place.
- downCast now REQUIRES Java 2 (JDK 1.2.x or later). It will no longer run on Mac OS 9 (=JDK 1.1.8)
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