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Hidden Parameters


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Setting Hidden Parameters

To set a hidden parameter, you treat it like any other global parameter as outlined in the downCast Manual.

To set a hidden parameter in the UI version, you need to edit the downCast configuration file. Do not edit preferences.plist while downCast is running, since it will be rewritten with the then current internal downCast parameter pool on application exit. You need to add a key/value pair at the appropriate structure level like


with the second element's tag name corresponding to the given datatype in the tables below.

Name DeleteTemporaryFile
Type boolean
Values true | false
Default true


When this is false, the original .rtf file generated by the RTF-to-DOC converter are not deleted automatically after a conversion. This may be useful for debugging or if you wish to use both, .rtf and .doc version after a conversion.

Name CALSFrameOverridesCells
Type boolean
Values true | false
Default true


When this is false, any style attributes set on CALS table <entry>s will override conflicting properties set on the <table> element for the outer table borders. If true, the properties of the <table> for its framing will always override individual <entry>'s settings.

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