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upCast 5.5

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Word & XML

upCast enables you to use Microsoft Word as an authoring application for XML documents. Take advantage of the widespread availability and familiar user interface of Word or any other RTF savvy office application for structured document authoring. upCast offers a cost-effective way to reuse existing tools for gaining all the benefits of a standardized markup language: XML.

Structure with style

With upCast, you get the best of both worlds: excellent structural markup in XML and corresponding style information separated out in a CSS2 stylesheet. Proven upCast technology with built-in structure recognition heuristics preserves the document structure to an extent you won't be able to find anywhere else – instantly.

Instant Conversion

You can convert almost any document instantly without any time-consuming configuration. Yet, you'll still get highest conversion quality – it's really just a click on a button. Built-in customizations for specific DTDs like DocBook 4.2 help you use the product right out of the box.

Powerful Batch Conversion

upCast features a powerful, configurable batch conversion language. Select documents based on their name or extension, sort the resulting documents into specific folders and set filters and filter parameters.

A useful pre-scan feature tells you immediately which files are affected by your batch, so you can see at a glance if everything works as expected or if you're bound for trouble at some time in the conversion process. A detailed log file tells you about the progress of the conversion as well as any errors that might have occurred. Combined with external commands and the built-in XML Validator and XSLT processor upCast turns into a flexible workflow automation tool.

Java native API

upCast has a built-in slim, but efficient application programming interface (API). You can program against this API and thus include the complete functionality of our upCast Technology into your own applications.

By writing only a few lines of Java code, you gain complete control over the document conversion process the same way as you would using the GUI. You can even create your own export filters in Java.


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